Re: rpc.cmsd?

Rafi Sadowsky (
Tue, 19 Jul 1994 13:54:48 +0300 (IDT)

oops - forgot the cc's - so here goes
Subject: Re: rpc.cmsd?
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 1994 12:19:01 +0300 (IDT)
From: rafi

Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> jsz says:
> > > 
> > >   >> I've heard there is some method of exploiting rpc.cmsd -- anyone
> > >   >> have any information on this?
> > > 
> > >   jsz> Perhaps
> > > 
> > > What does that mean???
> > 
> > It means that it's quite likely that rpc.cmsd is vulnerable, and there is a
> > good chance to locate a security problem in it, which may allow you gain
> > access to a system from remote, another root-from-remote, if you want.
> If you know a hole, the purpose of Bugtraq is to describe it so that
> we can all make ourselves safe. If you don't know of one, please don't
> make us paranoid unnecessarily. If you know of one and won't tell us
> what it is, then you are not helping anyone and you are not following
> the charter of this list.
> Perry
[ I apoligise if this is a case of mistaken identity - but I think not ]

given that jsz is a ( hopefully :-) reformed ex-cracker ( better known as "yo" )
I'm somewhat suspicious of his motives ...

(of course I'm a reformed ex-cracker myself - but thats another story... :-)

of course if you're worried about remote users cracking your rpc.cmsd
you should at least use tcp_wrappers to protect it from offsite users
(combined with an approriate router setup - to prevent forged IP source address
of course ...)

well Yonatan(you are jsz aren't you ?) - is that enough provocation
to get some more details from you ?

| Rafi Sadowsky                 |                |
| Comp.Sci. dept                |-[also]---------+
| Open University of Israel     | Voice: +972-3-6460592                 |
| Tel-Aviv, Israel              | Fax:   +972-3-6460483                 |